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Accueil : Petites Annonces : Emploi : Cours & Soutien scolaire

Annonce réf. 467850
> Private french lessons for English speakers
Auteur : CécileDate : 02/10/2010Validité : 6 mois
Annonce :
Hello, I've got a master's degree in classics and french literature and I prepared and I've been eligible twice for "agregation de grammaire" (the highest competitive examination for recruitment of teachers).
I'm offering to teach you french easily and for your enjoyment. We can work on several registers, with various aids : videos (movies, documentaries), newspapers, literature, … Most of all, we will give priority to conversations, with the topics of your choice, that wouldn't be offered by group or correspondence courses. Especially, you will get a personal lesson that will fulfill your expectations and respect your rhythm.
Please contact me for further informations or discussing the price (30 euros per hour).

Contact :
0660746901 ou 0981645632

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